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S. Erin Batiste
S. Erin Batiste is an interdisciplinary poet, storyteller, and author of the chapbook, Glory to All Fleeting Things. She is a 2021 Jerome Emerging Artist at the Anderson Center at Tower View, and this year she is also a Writer in Residence at The Studios at MASS MoCA, Prairie Ronde at the Mill at Vicksburg, and The Helene Wurlitzer Foundation, and she is the recipient of fellowships from PERIPLUS, Jack Straw Writers, and the dots between.
Her other recent honors include fellowships and generous support from Cave Canem, Bread Loaf Writers'; Conference-Rona Jaffe Foundation, Money for Women / Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, Crosstown Arts, and Callaloo. Batiste is a reader for The Rumpus and her own Pushcart, Best New Poets, and Best of the Net nominated poems are anthologized and appear internationally in Michigan Quarterly Review, Puerto del Sol, and wildness among other decorated journals.